Squier Afinnity Strat Reviews 5

I dont have a clue where i got this guitar or how much my dad paid as it was a birthday pressie. it cost £200 in argos though. i wanted a electric guitar as i had been playing an acoustic for about a year before and was saving up for this guitar

This guitar is amazing. It looks great and feels awsome. i had an acoustic before this so i was quite good already. The amp is quiete good to, and is very loud. it sounds great and the tones add an extra spice

There is nothing i dont like about this guitar, its great for beginners, and maybe better people. id deffinatley reccomend it

i have heard bad things about the construction of this guitar but mine has no problems and feels great

I think this is a great guitar, if u want a knew 1, buy this 1!

Sexy Sean rated this unit 5 on 2004-03-22.

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